After the betrayal of Maiev Shadowsong, it is said the Temple of Darnassus sought to create a new division of Watchers within the Shadow Wardens. Loyal to the Temple only and with the purpose to deal with all kinds of threats to the Kaldorei the Shadowleaf Watchers were founded. Despite being Watchers and Wardens, they took on a slightly different direction regarding their tactics and methods while still remaining true to their Shadow Warden heritage. Though mostly acting alone in small numbers they may also, if deemed necessary, act as support in larger campaigns where their skills in striking from the shadows may be exploited. They are well equipped, highly trained and with their solid combat experience make for an excellent covert strike force within the Kaldorei society.The unit once disbanded was reformed in the wake of the War of Thorns and with the the emergence of Amirdrassil have once more been tasked to defend the Kaldorei against any that would seek to do their kin harm. The Shadowleaf Watchers specialise in covert missions, infiltration, arrests and ambushes and whilst previously worked solely within Kalimdor, their reach has now expanded to both the Broken and Dragon Isles.To try and find them would prove difficult. Shrouded in mystery and with little official record, some may dispute that this unit even exists. Among those who have witnessed them, rumours sometimes surround the unit with bold claims of it being renegades or war criminals while more balanced opinions may deem them as a ruthless but necessary force.
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The Shadowleaf Watchers is a Kaldorei-only roleplay guild that was founded in 2014 and is based around the concept of the Shadow Wardens and our interpretation of them. We are best explained as a group of devout (and sometimes zealous) soldiers who take orders from the Temple to safeguard Kaldorei interests by taking out dangerous criminals, cultists, demons and other enemies as well as keeping the most dangerous of prisoners in our Dens.We're a friendly and tight-knit group of mature adults who love roleplay. Our main dedication is and has always been to serve our members with the best experience around our guild concept.Most importantly, we are not a sentinel guild and we do not normally police the community. You should rather see us as a special forces unit that is deployed as and when is deemed necessary.The guild is currently led by Captain Stormfall.
What is the guild roleplay like?
Our guild activity is mainly based on covert missions in the form of dungeon mastered events. Secondarily we interact with the community to assist and aid it with our blades.We're very keen on sticking to the guild concept and to develop it and our characters into the grim Watchers and Wardens we are. The roleplay missions are often quite dark themed in nature, so if you or your character is not cut for such events then I would suggest you look elsewhere. Blood, cruelty and difficult moral choices are things we utilise often within our events (also a reason we have an age limit, see below).We aim to host between 1-2 guild DM'd events per week depending on DM availability.The guild also holds semi-regular story campaigns throughout the year that will take the Watchers out of Kaldorei lands and base them in far flung reaches of the world.
Who do we seek?
We seek adult and mature roleplayers who are interested in Watcher-themed roleplay and wish to stick around for the long run. If you like guild events in the form of missions with a DM in a D&D-style of approach then you will most likely have a great time.Due to the themes that are explored within the guild as stated above we have an age requirement of 18+
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1. Age Restriction
We have an age restriction of 18 years or older.
2. Respect and Behaviour
Respect is one of the most valued rules that the Shadowleaf Watchers adheres to. Members are required to respect all other members at all times.Members are not allowed to use foul/derogatory language towards others with the intent to purposefully offend, insult, hurt or degrade others, regardless if they are in the guild or not.A member may never insult anyone based on their race, gender, religion or sexual preference and should use great caution when making jokes about subjects where others may easily be offended.Members should act with honour, dignity, respect and maturity when interacting with other players. All actions reflect upon yourself and that of the guild and your fellow members as a whole. This extends to all game-related interactions, such as the official Argent Dawn forums, community discord servers and the Argent Archives.All information that is shared within the guilds discord server is expected to remain between its members. Do not share sensitive information with any outside of the discord.
3. Personal Conflicts
Do not create drama, intrigue, and arguments where there is none. If you have a problem with someone (member or non-member) then keep it out of guild chat. We all like a good discussion but be careful not to escalate it into a personal conflict.Always try to resolve conflict/problems/issues with the other involved person(s) first. Should you really feel that you cannot work out the conflict/problem/issue make either the Guild Masters or Officers aware of your situation. The Guild Masters/Officers are there to help and serve members. Do not start posting your grievances on any public channel or forum (such as the Argent Dawn Forums, community discord servers or guild chat).
4. The Chain of Command
The Captain is the Guild Master and has a final say in all matters.The Lieutenant is the CO-GM of the guild and assist the Captain in all matters. They carry the ability to fully represent the guild and are only subjects to the Captain’s directives.The Handmaiden and Keeper are here to assist in the running of the guild and are Officers. If there is no leadership present or all of the leadership are unable to take up in-character command, command shall fall upon the Handmaiden and Keeper by default.If you disagree with a decision made by the Guild Leadership refrain from arguing over the decision in public. Please use private messaging (in game or on Discord) to discuss any disagreements. This does not of course apply to general suggestions and feedback which belongs to the #feedback-and-suggestions channel within the discord.
5. In Character Rules
The Shadowleaf Watchers are a specialised military division and this reflects in character. Because of this the leadership may enforce a number of in character rules and regulations.
Even though dissent or even breaking the rules may be good roleplay, keep in mind you are liable for the consequences that may follow. These may affect you out of character, in particular dismissals, as this will result in the character being removed from the division.We strive to make the concept as realistic as we can, given the universe that World of Warcraft is created in. Be mindful that actions can reflect negatively onto others and affect them just as much as it may affect your character. What may be fun for you may not always be fun for others.If you are removed due to an in character reason you may still be considered a guild member but one without a character in the guild. Keep in mind you are expected to solve these issues should they occur. Your character may be allowed back into service depending on how you approach and solve the situation.
6. Promotions
Promotions are a guild feature which add depth and immersion to the Guilds 'Roleplay', on the forums and in game.The only 'Ranks' which hold authoritative positions are that of the Captain and Lieutenant and are the only ranks which are authorised to award promotions. All other ranks are based on activity and in-character skill and members must complete certain requirements in order to gain these.The Guild Master reserves the right to offer promotions if and when they see fit.
7. Inactivity
Members who intend to be absent for extended periods, 4 weeks or more, must let us know. Members who are found to have been inactive without informing the Guild Masters/Officers will be assumed that they are no longer interested in membership and will be removed from the guild.Please note that logging in just to refresh your character's activity with us is not enough and will not exclude you from this rule.
8. Roleplay Policies
The Shadowleaf Watchers is a serious roleplay guild and has certain rules which must be adhered to when participating in the guilds concept. The characters in the guild are required to fit the guild and its concept, the guild cannot adapt to your character.The use of 'Godmodding', 'OPness' and 'Meta Gaming' are not permitted unless stated otherwise in any specific situation - such as an event. World of Warcraft lore is expected to be adhered to in any roleplay situation. Be careful to not use excessive strength in public, even if it would be allowed within the guild concept.Do what you can to not mix in-character with out-of-character knowledge/feelings, if this means limiting what you know OOC to avoid bleeding then do so.As a guild we do our best to host regular events for our members to provide an active environment for them to roleplay their characters in, however, do not expect roleplay to be spoon fed specifically to you. As a member of this guild you are expected to be willing to create your own roleplay outside of these events.Our focus as a guild is the stories and narratives that we run for the inclusion of all of our members. While personal plot lines can be fun, it is often exclusive, and can leave those around you feeling left out and excluded. Any personal roleplay storylines and events are expected to either be inclusive of all guild members, or ran in tandem to the guilds roleplay not instead of it.Keep all erotic content private. Remember that whilst the guild has an age rating of 18+, WoW is not an 18+ rated game and there are rules set by Blizzard regarding this sort of conduct that may be punishable by temporary or permanent bans. You are liable for your own in-game conduct and we expect you to follow any rules set out by Blizzard at all times.Any member found to be breaking this rule will be removed from the guild without warning.
9. Discord and Website Use
Trolling, Spamming, or Flaming will not be tolerated on discord or official forums/websites.Links to websites or images that contain cheats, vulgar material, pornography and other material that is deemed unsuitable by Shadowleaf or illegal by law is forbidden.We take the copyright of our material and other 3rd parties material very seriously. Always ask for permissions of the creators to use works belonging to others and credit the artist(s) when using their work.
10. Other Policies
The Guild Master may post additional policies that aid in the management of the guild’s activities or add detail. These are to be adhered and followed as if they were the guild rules.
11. Violations of Guild Rules/Policies
The above policies and rules are to be adhered to for any instance which is deemed guild related. Any members found in violation of these rules will be liable for their actions and will be subject to the Guild Master’s decisions.These decisions are made on a case-to-case basis depending on the particular situation and are final.
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The Rank of Initiation

Shade (Trial)
Upon swearing your oath you become a Shade within the division and your path begins here. You are a ghost within the division, spoken of in hushed tones and mentioned only in passing. Your reputation is slim and your time to make your mark short. You must demonstrate that you have the will and the capability of a Shadowleaf quickly, or much like the breath upon which a whisper is carried, you shall fade upon a passing breeze.
Shade is the trial rank, most members will stay here for three to four weeks. This is the time where we get to know you both as a person OOC and your character IC. You are expected to attend guild events and RP during this time, in particular to find your way into the guild. You will be helped but the main responsibility is on yourself. We are not an alt dump guild, and those who are inactive without reason will be demoted/removed accordingly.Furthermore, as a Shade, there is no formal warning given for guild infractions, you are expected to uphold the reputation of the Shadowleaves in absolute terms.Troublemakers will be kicked without warning.

The Grove of the Shadowleaf

Shadowleaf Ally
Allies to the Shadowleaf Watchers are not a common sight but they do exist. While not being an official part of their Den, they serve as and when their expertise is required by the Captain and such are treated and protected as one. Serving as an ally is a privilege extended to a rare few who have proven themselves valuable to the Watchers over the years.
Shadowleaf Ally is a rank within the guild that whilst is not officially a member, is there to serve those characters who would not normally fit into the guild. This rank is not one that is able to be applied for, and admittance to this rank is by exception only. Numbers are limited to ensure that they do not outnumber the Watchers and Wardens of the guild. No Death Knights, Demon Hunters or Warlocks are permitted into these ranks.
Den Attendant (Member)
The Den Attendants bring their unique set of skills together with the Watchers to overcome any obstacles they face. Hailing from either the Cenarion Circle or the Temple they would bring their skillset to fight alongside, defend and heal their brothers and sisters. They stand side by side with the Watchers and are not expected to forsake their views as it is one of the very reasons they are in need of their aid. However, Den Attendants are expected to not only follow orders just like their fellow Watchers but to also provide moral and spiritual guidance to the Division should they need it.
Den Attendant is a group within the Shadowleaf composed of experienced Druids or Priestesses/Priests who complement the Watchers. You may take on a variety of roles spanning from fighting their enemies alongside them, healing them, aiding them with your unique skills or a mix of these roles. All Den Attendants are expected to at least be able to defend themselves in combat and are encouraged to aid in as many ways as possible. As such you will have a very diverse and important role among the Watchers. The Den Attendant is a full member of the Shadowleaf Watchers.

The Ranks of Steel

Watcher (Member)
As a Watcher you are a full and independent member of the Shadowleaf division. You are expected to think and act for yourself whilst both on and off thi field of duty, and you will be expected to uphold, maintain, and protect Kaldorei interests regardless of where you are. As a Watcher you are the last line of defence, and the eyes and ears of the Temple, ever vigilant for threats that might arise. We cannot, and must not fall.
Watcher is the main rank of the guild. The majority of members will end up here and will probably remain here as a full member of the guild, unless they have specific aspirations. However the progress is not complete, as a Watcher you will begin to advance in training to learn the core abilities. This gives you the full toolset and you'll be expected to exercise it in order to pursue your tasks to the fullest.
Warden (Member)
Wardens are the veterans among the Shadowleaves. Fully trained in all the arts of the Shadowleaf, their combination of experience and guile makes them formidable opponents for any prey they hunt down. They are tasked with hunting down the most dangerous of foes, bringing them to heel or executing them as the Temple sees fit.
Wardens are the elite of the elite, well trained and able to employ a multitude of roles outside of the hunt. Those who are Wardens are expected to through their activity contribute towards the active running of the guild. They are reliable, capable and experienced role models for their fellow Watchers without the full responsibility and command of the Officers or Guild Masters. They have the privilege of leading when none of the Guild Masters or Officers are around.

The Ranks of Moonsteel

The Keeper and the Handmaiden (Officer)
As the Den Attendants work alongside the Watchers the Keeper and the Handmaiden are the primes of their relative roles and are to act as examples of what a Den Attendant in the Shadowleaf Watchers should aspire to be. They serve to maintain the Den Attendants duties as well as be advisors to the leadership on both Cenarion and Temple matters. They are the elected representatives of both factions for the Shadowleaf Watchers interests.
The Keeper and the Handmaiden are Officers of the guild and attaining this rank is a privilege rather than a right. Those who are Keeper and Handmaiden are expected to through their activity contribute towards the active running of the guild. They are reliable, capable and experienced role models for their fellow Watchers with full responsibility and command of the Officers. As this rank is limited, there will only ever be two in this position at any one time.
Lieutenant (Co-GM)
The one who holds this rank is personally selected by the Captain. She is the second-in-command of the Shadowleaves and besides her combat prowess is also responsible for the smooth running of the division in general. Hers is a heavy burden, and her shoulders must be broad to carry such a thing. The Lieutenant is empowered to speak and make decisions for the division in absence of the Captain as well as handling diplomacy where needed. She works closely with the Captain as her personal advisor and assistant in all matters. To speak her mind is both her right and duty though she is always fiercely loyal to the Captain and her division.
The Lieutenant is the Co-GM and aids in the running of the guild as well as making day to day decisions and handling matters in the stead of the Captain. They also have a say in all guild decisions and can make suggestions for changes they feel are necessary.
Captain (Guild Master)
The Captain is the utmost authority among the Shadowleaves. She is the Night Warrior’s chosen and only responsible to the Temple. She ensures that the Temple, and the Goddess’ wills are done and that Kaldorei interests are served above all. She is responsible to ensure that the nation remains a safe haven for the innocent and the most dangerous of places for the guilty. She chooses her division carefully, gives out orders, makes policies, delegates and gives out responsibility. For she cannot carry this burden alone and needs the Shadowleaves as much as they need her.
The Captain leads the guild together with the Lieutenant. The Captain is the one utmost responsible for the guild and oversees all aspects of it. The guild is led on the principle of consensus with the Co-GM and members wherever such can be reached. Though in the end the Captain as the leader and Guild Master have the final say and the final responsibility in all decisions. Delegation, diplomacy, consensus and a good eye for members are crucial for success. The Captain is here to serve the guild with leadership and decisions.
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1. How familiar with the lore do I need to be to join?
Before joining us you must have an understanding of the Kaldorei as a race, their belief system and what it means to be a Watcher/Warden. While we do not turn away those who are new to roleplay and are happy to help, it is necessary for you to do your own OOC research as the information will not be spoonfed to you.
Listed below are a few links which are both relevant to the guilds concept and a good place to start.
-Night Elves
-The Night Warrior Aspect
-The Army of the Black Moon
- Watchers
- Wardens
- The Shadow Wardens
- Maiev Shadowsong
- The Watchers and the Shadow Wardens
2. What is the activity like?
The guild is mostly active from around 20:00 ST, both weekdays and weekends.
Our DM'd events usually start around either 20:00 or 20:30 ST depending on DM availability and we aim to have them finished up by 23:00 ST at the latest due to majority of our members having early starts the morning after.
3. Do you accept males into the Shadowleaf?
Due to the modernising within the Kaldorei society and the breakdown of barriers in roles being solely male or female, we embrace this as a guild and welcome males into the ranks of the Watchers. You can join either as one wanting to train to become one, or as a fully trained Watcher themselves.
4. What is your guild standpoint on guarding/policing areas or the community?
As stated in our guild information we are not a sentinel guild and do not guard or police as you would see the NPC sentinels doing in game. We also do not engage in policing the community as a whole.
There is a clear distinction between what a Watcher is and what a Sentinel is and we are mindful to not cross those borders out of respect for the Sentinel roleplayers and guilds on our server.
Instead you should see our guild as a special operations unit, that is deployed as and when it is necessary for their skillset to be utilised by the wider military forces. We do not make efforts for our unit to be visible to the community as it would fly in opposition of what it means to be part of the Watchers and their concept.
5. Where is the guild based?
As a guild we mostly operate in Kalimdor, with the guilds in character base being in the Northern point of Kalimdor. Given the Watchers are solely a Kaldorei institution, and not an arm of the wider Alliance military, it makes no sense for them to be operating permanently in lands outside of their own or hold any sort of permanent bases there.
We do utilise the Kaldorei lands in places such as the Broken Isles and the Dragon Isles, but these are not on any sort of regular basis.
We may, on rare occasion, venture into Alliance and even Horde lands to enact Kaldorei justice temporarily, but we do not inherently get involved in the conflicts of the Alliance unless there is a reason for the Watchers to be present as part of the Kaldorei forces or interest.
6. Does the guild still have a uniform requirement?
As the guild as grown over the years, we have decided that given the large possibilities of the transmog system, that removing the uniform requirement was a good idea.
The only requirement that we have for outfits currently is that all transmogs should be inkeeping with the Watcher theme for your Watcher/Warden when on duty. If you would like some help, ideas or guidence on good looking transmog sets, we are always sharing nice combinations that we find in our discord and are always happy to help others.
Also please note, that the guild tabard must be worn by all members when on duty. This is to help both identify and create a feeling of cohesion for the unit when out in the field or on community campaigns.
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It is a given fact that the Shadowleaf Watchers are careful about the recruitment of their members, as quality is what we seek. Do not be afraid to know this fact, and see this as a challenge to rise above. If your application is declined, you will be given a reason and you are welcome to apply once again a few weeks later.

Some important points if you wish to join:- Only Kaldorei are accepted into the Watchers, as they are traditionally bound. Due to the change of time they do allow male Watchers.
- We only accept characters with a conviction which makes sense for a Watcher. A battle veteran is preferable. - It is up to you to ensure your character fits in the guild.
- The guild won't adjust to you or personal RP concepts.
- The number of Den Attendants admitted into the Shadowleaf are limited to not outnumber the Watchers as this is the main focus of the guild.
- This is not the best guild if you are completely new to roleplay. We do however accept beginners who are willing to learn fast.
- Upon joining the Shadowleaf Watchers you will be expected to wear the guild tabard when on duty.
- All members wear the tabard when on duty.
- We do not have uniform requirements but ask that mogs be in keeping with the Watcher/Warden theme.
- Joining is not a right. Neither is rejoining if you leave us.
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Here you will find a selection of screenshots ranging from our guild events and campaigns to server community events and campaigns that we have taken part in.
Current Campaign:
Past Campaigns:
Collections from Guild events, promotions and community events:
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Shadowleaf Watchers over the Years

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Northrend Campaign 2024

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The Monsoon War 2024
Server Campaign hosted by The Nightblade Sentinels
Special thank you to Acrona for sharing her screenshots of us

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The Fleshgrafter Campaign 2024-2025

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Shadowleaf Watchers Promotions and Ceremonies

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Shadowleaf Watchers in the Community

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